Financial Wellbeing
A community of limitless possibilities where fun is guaranteed.
Sound has no language, gender, race or religious belief; it needs only to be created to be of use and then loved.
Through the use of gongs, drums and a variety of other instruments, a platform can be created whereby like minded people of all ages, abilities and walks of life can come together to create a supportive community.
Within this safe and nurturing space a person can learn who they truly are, their strengths and weaknesses, their fears, why they make choices they do and how all this can affect their health and wellbeing.
Gaining this priceless and powerful understanding results in a release of anything negative and new beginnings where positive growth is embraced. Confidence grows, along with self worth and self belief.
Over time a person starts to feel empowered and good about themselves, less fearful and more willing to face new challenges and all that life has to offer.
Gongs are about transforming lives, it is a growing community of limitless possibilities where understanding, friendship, support, guidance and connection are guaranteed.
Be the envy of family and friends – There aren’t many people that can say they went to work today and received a Gong Bath!!
We work in many settings - Schools, Corporate events, Festivals and One to One therapies.
Financial Wellbeing
Mind & Body
Health & Nutrition